Freightgate’s Compliance-Trek!™ supports U.S. Customs 10+2 Importer Security Filing Compliance

Freightgate, a global industry leader in Web 2.0 technology supply chain software solutions, today announced that Compliance-Trek!™, its compliance management system, now supports and ensures compliance with the new U.S. Customs and Border Protection 10+2 Importer Security Filing requirements.

U.S. importers are faced with the enormous challenge of collecting ten data elements and electronically transmitting these to U.S. Customs at least 24 hours before loading any ocean shipments in a vessel bound for the United States.

Compliance-Trek!™ will enable importers to file information from any worldwide location collaborating more closely with their suppliers, forwarders, customs brokers and ocean vessel carriers to fulfill their Importer Security Filing responsibilities avoiding penalties and shipment delays. Compliance-Trek!™ exclusive features makes information available to the people who need to know in real time with integrated RDV (Role Dependent View) technology. The re-usable templates eliminate duplicate data entry by storing parties, items, HTSUS numbers and all other pertinent information.

Martin Hubert, President and CEO of Freightgate, points to Compliance-Trek!™ as the logistics industry’s best 10+2 Solution which will enable importers to improve the seamlessness of their supply chain visibility while at the same time complying with the new regulations. ” With 10+2 importer Security Filing scheduled to begin January 26, 2009, we feel it only a matter of time when other countries will implement the same security requirements as the U.S. Customs and Border Protection. We want our customers to be fully prepared when that happens,” said Hubert.

Compliance-Trek!™ simplifies customs and trade compliance of your global supply chain. Compliance-Trek!™ is a stand-alone SaaS module of Freightgate’s innovative PLTX platform which can also be integrated in your other systems by leveraging EDI and file input and export capabilities. With over a decade of integration history Freightgate can provide deep integration into your business processes allowing collaborate control of your entire order in the Logistics Management Lifecycle!

For more specifics on Compliance-Trek!™ and the 10+2 Importer Security Filing requirements, please complete form at: or Call Freightgate Sales at (714) 799-2833.

About Freightgate
Based in Huntington Beach, California, the Freightgate team has been developing Internet solutions for the freight and logistics since 1994, such as its industry-leading Logistics Cloud Platform, offering Supply Chain Collaboration & Visibility; TMS, Global Tender Bid Management; Least Cost Routing, Service Contract and Quote Management; Regulatory Compliance CBP and FMC; Automated eInvoice Audit and Payment; innovative What-If-Scenario Analysis tool; interactive online Sailing Schedule; BFN (Built for NetSuite) approved SuiteApps. Freightgate is ISO 9001:2008 certified.