Supply Chain CRM Dashboard for Global Trade Management

What Is A Supply Chain CRM Dashboard?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) allows companies to manage their business affairs with existing, new, and potential customers through the use of a variety of software and different internet capabilities. Companies use CRM software to aid in organization, customer service, automation, and synchronized sales.

CRM Dashboard capabilities in Freightgate’s Logistics Management Cloud Platform allows shippers and logistics providers to capture vital information about their prospects and customers, and get dynamic Dashboard analysis with charts and reports to better drive their sales processes. Detailed visibility allowing all parties to collaborate simultaneously together, share information in real-time, immediately execute and optimize orders for efficient transportation spend management, shipment routing, and on-time delivery.

Some of the many features of the Freightgate CRM Dashboard:

  • Integrated Activity Logs to plan and optimize orders
  • Sales Pipeline Management to monitor key metrics
  • Dynamic Aggregation by Account/User/Month
  • Embedded read receipts for Shipping Quote Tracking
  • Cloud Technology for real-time information sharing

Supply chain CRM Dashboard can be integrated into existing CRM Infrastructure (like NetSuite CRM or even Goldmine).

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Suppy Chain Customer Relations

Freightgate understands that when business gets good that it also can get confusing. Keeping track of business can be a time-consuming task to manage. When dealing with multiple partners and contracts, time and resources can be scarce, every second is valuable. Freightgate has created a streamlined process for importers and exporters alike to have up-to-date alerts, information, access to files and updates. Business collaboration has never been easier.

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