CaroTrans joins the Freightgate Rate Network

Freightgate announced today that CaroTrans International, a leading neutral NVOCC, has joined the Freightgate Rate Network, thereby extending its reach to the Freightgate user community. The Tariff-Trek! Platform as part of Freightgate’s Service Oriented Architecture enables carriers and global shippers alike to manage their numerous transportation choices, routing alternatives and lead time implications for all modes of Transportation. The Freightgate Rate Network extends this capability far beyond the traditional customer extranet access. Leveraging leading edge SOA technology on top of an enhanced enterprise service bus allows for seamless rate synchronization based on a publish / subscribe paradigm.

“CaroTrans has been a longtime customer and partner for us and we are delighted that they share our vision of a global synchronized network that takes the shipping community to the next level,” said Martin Hubert, Freightgate’s President. “We look forward to jointly enable many NVOCCs to streamline their rate management process by leveraging our platform. Our loosely coupled approach of collaborating systems in our service cloud is leading the way to new offerings and efficiencies that will take this industry to the next level.”

The Rate Network extension to Tariff-Trek! will enable CaroTrans to synchronize its import and export rates from any worldwide location, with any subscriber, without manual intervention. “This makes collaborating with our global customers on this important aspect of a buying decision more efficient for all parties. Our customers no longer need any manual data entry and all our rates are available at the click of a button. While some of our competitors offer access to their in-house rate system, we feel very strongly that the combination with the neutral Freightgate platform offers many advantages, our customers’ capability to generate quotes instantly,” said Greg Howard, CEO of CaroTrans.

To schedule a No-Obligation Demonstration of Freightgate Logistics Cloud Solutions, please complete form at: or Call Freightgate Sales at (714) 799-2833.

About Freightgate
Based in Huntington Beach, California, the Freightgate team has been developing Internet solutions for the freight and logistics since 1994, such as its industry-leading Logistics Cloud Platform, offering Supply Chain Collaboration & Visibility; TMS, Global Tender Bid Management; Least Cost Routing, Service Contract and Quote Management; Regulatory Compliance CBP and FMC; Automated eInvoice Audit and Payment; innovative What-If-Scenario Analysis tool; interactive online Sailing Schedule; BFN (Built for NetSuite) approved SuiteApps. Freightgate is ISO 9001:2008 certified.

About CaroTrans
CaroTrans International is a neutral, non-vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC) providing less than-container load and full-container load import and export services between the United States and more than 140 countries with 240 ports of discharge. Last year marked the 21st anniversary of CaroTrans’ NVOCC services. For additional information on CaroTrans, visit them on the web at