Shiny Object or Actual Transformation?

Welcome to the 46th edition of The LogTech Letter, a weekly look at the impact technology is having on the world of global and domestic logistics. Last week, guest Jonah McIntire, CEO of TNX Logistics, discussed the lack of winner-take-all scenarios in trucking technology. This week, I’m delving into the connection between specific industry sectors and their respective appetites for logistics innovation.

Read More Here The LogTech Letter 


Three Trends Shippers Can Expect Yet This Year

The past 15 months have been hectic for freight procurement and logistics management. And while consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic look to be reaching a plateau, shippers are still working hard to ensure they’re in the best position to recover and handle any new challenges.

Here are three challenges they’re likely to see throughout this year, and how to manage them. 

Read More Here Supply Chain Brain


FMC onboard for Biden’s ocean carrier ‘crackdown’

Federal Maritime Commission Chairman Daniel Maffei has welcomed a White House executive order calling on the Justice Department to help the FMC investigate and potentially fine ocean carriers charging shippers unreasonable rates and fees.

Read More Here Freightwaves


Supply Chain Efficiency Answers the Demands of B2B Customers’ Value Chains

Much like economies, communities and individuals, businesses directly impact each other, especially when they are part of the same value chain. This year alone, a single tanker got stuck in the Suez Canal, making businesses worldwide collectively lose $400 million per hour for more than six days. Then came a crack in a Mississippi bridge that delayed deliveries for months. All the while, unpredictably violent storms, border closures, tariffs, and broken trade agreements continue to disrupt the ability to move goods. 

Read More Here Forbes


Hershey and Land O’Lakes partner on sustainability for dairy supply chain

As a member-owned cooperative representing more than 1,600 farms across the United States producing 12.5 billion pounds of milk annually, Land O’Lakes has considerable weight to throw behind the problem of pollution from the dairy industry.

Read More Here Supply Chain Dive


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