Real-time transparency for supply chains thanks to big data

More than ever before, retailers have to be ahead of their competition when it comes to filling orders and responding to customer requirements. The global hunger for consumption reached a new high in 2019, with retail sales of USD 25 trillion. And even though this upward trend was interrupted at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, it will continue over the next ten years.

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Pete Buttigieg Confirmed As Transportation Secretary

Former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg made history Tuesday, becoming the first openly gay man to win Senate confirmation to run a Cabinet department. Buttigieg was easily confirmed as secretary of transportation by a vote of 86-13.

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Tive Announces the Open Visibility Network, Starting with project44

 Tive, a leader in supply chain visibility that helps logistics professionals actively manage in-transit shipments, and project44, the global leader in supply chain visibility for shippers and logistics service providers, today announced the launch of the industry’s first collaborative supply chain visibility partner program — the Open Visibility Network.

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Carriers Bullish on Demand and Pricing Dynamics for 2021

Despite disruptions from the coronavirus and resulting changes in demand levels from their customers, leading LTL companies are extracting rate increases in the mid-to-high single digits, according to carriers and analysts.

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