Shrinking Scope 3 footprints can create broad-based change across supply chain

The length and complexity of supply chains are among the fundamental difficulties in reducing Scope 3 emissions, which comprise the majority of most companies’ footprints.

At the same time, the size and layers of supply chains mean action around decarbonization can multiply as it moves through the chain. 

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2.2% decline in transportation employment benchmark

Recent data on employment in the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ transportation and warehousing sector is likely to be showing an exaggerated level of employment, the specifics of which won’t be known until February.

The BLS said Wednesday that its preliminary estimate of what it calls the “upcoming annual benchmark revision” of employment levels is projecting a decline of 146,400 jobs in the transportation and warehousing sector.

That is a roughly 2.2% decline in the benchmark. Total employment in the sector for July, reported in early August, was 6,721,500 jobs.

Read More Here Freightwaves


Gebrüder Weiss and Atinkana aim for sustainability, with sailing ships

Transport and logistics service provider Gebrüder Weiss announced August 18 that it was collaborating with Swiss coffee maker Atinkana to make distribution of its coffee beans more sustainable, while also working to restore virgin forests in Colombia.

In order to reduce carbon emissions, Atinkana will transport the beans from Colombia to Amsterdam on sailing ships, on to Antwerp, Belgium, via trucks, and to Basel, Switzerland, by rail. From there, Gebrüder Weiss will deliver the beans to a roasting plant using hydrogen-powered trucks.

For every kilo of coffee sold by Atinkana, the company has committed to planting two trees in Colombia.

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