Freightgate’s VGM Solution including a plug-in for NetSuite ERP Users

Freightgate’s VGM solution including a plug-in for NetSuite ERP Users

Fountain Valley, California June 27, 2016

Freightgate, the Innovation Leader in Logistics Cloud Solutions and mobile applications for logistics and global supply chain management, announced today an easy to use, integrated (SSO enabled) solution for International Shippers around the world to comply with the new IMO Requirement to certify VGM (Verified Gross Mass). The new solution includes a plug-in that let’s you connect directly from your NetSuite Cloud ERP to the Freightgate Logistics Cloud and record your VGM submissions to your carrier.

“We are very excited to bring this timely solution to the market to enable our customers and the shipping public at large to comply with this new global VGM requirement” states Martin Hubert, President and CEO of Freightgate, Inc.. “This is yet another proof of the ‘Power of the Cloud’ and the Freightgate Logistics platform to deliver innovation and solutions including those addressing ever changing shipping regulations at lightning speed.”

The new Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention requirements goes into effect on July 1, 2016. The exporter named on the ocean bill of lading will be required to submit a VGM Weight Verification of each container to their ocean carrier and terminal operator. The VGM Weight Verification will be required prior to loading the shipping container onto the ocean carrier’s vessel.

The main purpose of the VGM (Verified Gross Mass) regulation is to obtain an accurate gross weight of packed ocean freight containers so that cargo ship and terminal operators can put together vessel loading and stowage plans prior to loading shipping containers on ships. The Freightgate SOLAS VGM solution makes it easy and simple for all international shippers including NetSuite users to comply by the implementation date.

Schedule a Demonstration of Freightgate’s VGM Solution, please complete form at: Or, call Freightgate Sales at (714) 799-2833.

Freightgate’s Cloud Logistics Platform enables solutions empowering NetSuite ERP users and supply chain professionals on all levels to collaborate with global vendors and logistics providers seamlessly on a single common transportation sourcing platform for informed decision-making across the entire network. It encompasses ISO9001:2008-certified end-to-end transportation management processes from procurement, rate management, optimization, execution and visibility, carbon footprint, through invoice audit & pay. The Freightgate Universe is comprised of adaptive easy-to-deploy modules to help companies leapfrog into the 21st century with minimal start-up cost. Freightgate is the only commercial EFM compliant platform enabling standardized web-services as promoted by the US-DOT and Transport-Canada.

About Freightgate
Based in Fountain Valley, California, the Freightgate team has been developing web-based solutions for logistics and supply chain management since 1994, such as its industry-leading Cloud Logistics Platform, offering Supply Chain Collaboration & Visibility; TMS, Global Tender Bid Management; Least Cost Routing, Service Contract and Quote Management; Regulatory Compliance CBP and FMC; Automated eInvoice Audit and Payment; innovative What-If-Scenario Analysis tool; interactive online Sailing Schedule; BFN (Built for NetSuite) approved SuiteApps. Freightgate is ISO 9001:2008 certified. Visit Freightgate at: