Freightgate Forecasts Emerging Supply Chain Trends in 2013
Last year Freightgate predicted five emerging supply chain trends. Our crystal ball was accurate. In 2013 these same supply chain trends will continue with more emphasis in five critical areas – sustainability, visibility, predictive analytics, innovation and partnerships.
Trend #1: Sustainability. Business Leaders will focus on best-in-class solutions to meet progressively more challenging customer requirements.
In 2013 business leaders will continue struggling with diverse supply chain challenges ranging from spend management, visibility, business intelligence, to the growing complexity of optimizing rate and surcharge management with delivery performance. Supply chain flexibility and logistics responsiveness adapting to volatility and competitive pressures coupled with meeting customer requirements will create a keen focus to find best-in-class solutions that will drive and enhance supply chain sustainability.
Solution: Freightgate’s Supply Chain Solutions are custom-tailored to provide collaborative manageability of freight rates, lead times, capacity allocations, faster quotations, better yields and more sales without straining operating budget and expenditures. Learn more …
Trend #2: Visibility. The quest for cycle time reductions and dynamic lead times driven pricing, will drive renewed focus on end-to-end supply chain visibility.
As supply chains grow more complex in global dimensions, participant size, and sensitivity to localized disruptions, companies will require more robust end-to-end supply chain visibility to enable better global risk management. Traditional low-tech tracking and tracing software will need to be replaced with dynamic cloud-driven dashboards. Supply chain directors will empower their logistical analysts with S&OP and risk management tools to manage decision-making within the execution window at each and every juncture of their supply chain. Capacity management, forecasting and contingency planning will play an important role in operating a lean supply chain. Businesses are integrating cloud-based platforms to afford better visibility, flexibility, and responsiveness.
Solution: Freightgate has been a pioneer in web-services enabled solutions resulting smarter more informed decision making for all stake holders. Learn more …
Trend #3: Predictive Analytics. Business Intelligence will help manage every aspect of supply chain and logistics management.
While ‘Big Data’ seems to be everywhere, Thought Leaders will focus on timely Predictive Analytics. Supply Chain executives are faced with the challenges to capture, store, search, sharing, analysis, and the visualization large and complex data sets. In complex and dynamic supply chains meaningful data segmentation and classification will emerge and people will realize the true value of current information on inventory in transit or possible shipping delays augmented with macro trends on rates, transit times or capacity. The ability to make timely decisions based on available data is crucial to business success. Business intelligence will move toward flexible hybrid models of real-time information correlated with data mining, scenario planning, and forecasting to provide more informed supply chain decisions with the ability to improve process and resource optimization, spot business trends and patterns, identify risks and opportunities, and track performance metrics.
Solution: Freightgate’s refreshing approach gives access to both predictive analytics and Now-Data. Learn more …
Trend #4: Innovation. Thinking ‘Outside the Box’ will become a valued asset to drive supply chain cost savings with improved performance.
Supply chain and logistics executives have journeyed the long-winding road through freight management 101, experimented with costly home-grown TMS systems, been involved with labor-intensive RFPs, and some have outsourced processes with mixed results. When all is said and done, the Holy Grail is a supply-chain driven by total-value. In 2013, business leaders must become more innovative to juggle the quest for profitability while they assimilate the demanding pressures to provide more solutions to meet varying and specific customer demands. Customer demand and public perception will have to be valued and added to the equation escalating the need for customized logistics solutions. Both price and innovation will be important evaluation factors in designing supply-chains and the award of contracts.
Solution: By enabling broader value factors such as finance charges for inventory in transit, carbon emission, MQC penalties to just name a few Freightgate gives its users a more complete picture. Learn more …
Trend #5: Partnerships and Integration. Supply Chains are becoming too brittle and to external factors to handle frequent unplanned changes; bringing the need for an elastic dynamic design that relies on trusted partners to the forefront.
Shippers, transportation carriers, logistics and software solution providers are beginning to realize that in order to create an elastic and robust supply chain forming partnership and teaming together is a better route than trying to the ‘king of the road’. That said depending on scope, single sourcing philosophies with all eggs in one basket is unlikely to return. Everyone can benefit to increase revenue, profitability without increasing costs. There will be more initiative-driven partnerships and ‘vested’ outsourcing as service excellence backed by real-time information becomes a core and strategic priority. Cloud Technology and new open standards such as EFM unlocks a new age of collaboration and competitiveness giving every business equal opportunity to participate in global markets with costs savings and productivity benefits.
Solution: Native Open Standards support makes Freightgate the natural choice for today’s interconnected global enterprise. Learn more …
Freightgate’s Logistics Cloud Platform, known as the Freightgate Universe, enables solutions empowering professionals on all levels to collaborate with global vendors and logistics providers seamlessly on a single common transportation sourcing platform for informed decision-making across the entire network. It encompasses ISO9001:2008-certified end-to-end transportation management processes from procurement, rate management, optimization, execution and visibility, carbon footprint, through invoice audit & pay. The Freightgate Universe is comprised of adaptive easy-to-deploy modules to help companies leapfrog into the 21st century with minimal start-up cost. Freightgate is the only commercial EFM compliant platform enabling standardized web-services as promoted by the US-DOT and Transport-Canada.
Partner with Freightgate. To schedule a No-Obligation Demonstration of Freightgate’s Cloud-based Logistics Solutions, please complete form at: or Call Freightgate Sales at (714) 799-2833. Email:
About Freightgate Based in Huntington Beach, California, the Freightgate team has been developing Internet solutions for the freight and logistics since 1994, such as its industry-leading Logistics Cloud-based Platform, with Supply Chain Collaboration & Visibility; TMS, Global Tender Bid Management; Least Cost Routing, Service Contract and Quote Management; Regulatory Compliance CBP and FMC; Automated eInvoice Audit and Payment; innovative What-If-Scenario Analysis tool; interactive online Sailing Schedule. Freightgate is ISO 9001:2008 certified. Visit Freightgate at:
Contact Information:
15061 Springdale St, Suite 111
Huntington Beach, California 92649
Martin Hubert: (714) 799-2833
Gary Chisamore: (609) 301-5662