Connected Logistics Solutions For Better Supply Chain Execution

Recently Freightgate was named by Market Watch as a leader in Connected Logistics and mentioned by the Gartner Hype Cycle for Supply Chain Execution.

Freightgate’s Logistics Cloud Platform, known as the Freightgate Universe, enables transportation professionals on all levels to collaborate with global vendors and logistics providers seamlessly on a single common transportation sourcing platform for informed decision-making across the entire network. It encompasses ISO9001:2008-certified end-to-end transportation management processes from procurement, rate management, optimization, execution and visibility, carbon footprint, through invoice audit & pay. The Freightgate Universe is comprised of adaptive easy-to-deploy modules to help companies leapfrog into the 21st century with minimal start-up cost. Freightgate is the only commercial EFM compliant platform enabling standardized web-services as promoted by the US-DOT and Transport-Canada.

Freightgate has been the early pioneer in cloud computing and mobile applications for logistics and global supply chain management. Logistics cloud technology unlocks a new age of competitiveness giving every business equal opportunity to participate in global markets with smart logistics tools and greater agility.

Partner with Freightgate. To schedule a No-Obligation Demonstration of Freightgate’s Logistics Cloud Solutions, please complete form at: or Call Freightgate Sales at (714) 799-2833