Best in class Logistics Cloud Software

Freightgate Team has been providing innovative supply chain management solutions that are low cost, easy to implement, and easily deployed globally since 1994.

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“We view Freightgate as a strategic technology partner…they are an integral part of our GLOBE initiative – a distinction that no other outsourced IT provider shares….net result of a relationship with Freightgate is a competitive advantage in the market place”

– Nestle Waters

“Freightgate has consistently proven to be a thought leader introducing innovative software solutions to streamline the complexities of logistics and supply chain management.”

– Inbound Logistics Top 100

“Freightgate has always stepped up to the plate to deliver out of the box solutions to our logistic challenges.”

– Delta Faucet Company

Our Services

Ditch manual processes with a tech enabled, fully connected logistics ecosystem.


Gain complete visibility into all stages of your shipment process


Collaborate seamlessly with supply chain partners


Automate time-consuming and error prone data entry


Request and receive spot quotes on the fly


Plus gain access to our expansive database of rates


Industry standard workflow diagrams to create customized processes.

3 Powerful Solutions in 1

Take your supply chain to the next level with our best in class logistics cloud platform. Our platform offers key components that lead to better optimization of your supply chain.


Rate Automation


End-to-end Visibility



Zero touch shipment automation

Enjoy a seamless rate automation by viewing contract rates, schedules, spot rates, and allocation strategy.


Shipment Visibility

Once a shipment is booked gain up to date shipment visibility utilizing our P.O. management, integration with API’s/EDI’s, last leg management application. Measure on-time statistics via KPI’s for duration and carrier before.

P.O. Management

Track all orders from shipping to stocking shelves. Lower your inventory carrying cost with forward visibility. Enable your transportation partners to plan more efficiently and quickly receive the rates you need.


IoT Trackers

Cellular trackers and a cloud-based software platform enable real-time visibility into your shipment’s location and condition, from end to end. Our proprietary low-power multi-sensor in both lithium and non-lithium battery powered trackers use global cellular connectivity and on-board sensors to provide real-time monitoring of shipments so you are always aware of location, shipment integrity, and climate.

Dashboard Workflow & AI

Industry standard workflow diagrams to create customized processes. BPMN, DMN & CMMN integration. Unlimited Dashboards, vastly flexible layouts, charts, badges, and tables (as well as pivots). Automate anything – from IoT or other tracking events. To sales processes or your Zero Touch Dispatch.


Industry Leading Compliance Software

Reduce inbound/outbound cycle times and clearance costs with our Solas VGM weight verification, denied party screening, optimize import security filings, and reduce overall FMC compliance costs.

Let's Work Together


80% proven productivity gain


100% automated optimization


0% visibility loss

Request a free demo today!

It is time

for cost effective and secure Logistics Cloud solutions

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